Pele Leung is a commercial photographer specialising in architectural and landscape photography. In addition to traditional photography, he also utilises virtual reality techniques to showcase his photographic output. Pele takes his client's vision to 360º and delivers interactive virtual tours as well as still photographs. Furthermore, Pele also handles photographic projects for real estate and products.
Apart from photography, Pele also provides multimedia authoring services for commercial firms and photographers.
Pele is based in Melbourne but would take any interstate commissioned projects. If you want to bring the best look of your assets or products to public, we are right here waiting to match your steps.
霞客續夢 · 遊攝中華手記 / The Dream Goes On 自從2016年初,Pele第一次將遊攝中華手記編輯成書後,四年過去,他的神州之旅從未間斷,現在又續未了緣,將過往四年多的經歷,再次編輯成書,這就是《霞客續夢》。今次除了風景欣賞和旅遊體驗外,更加入了歷史文物和文化元素,務求令內容更全面。現已出版。This book covers Pele’s latest travel journeys in China. Meanwhile only Chinese edition is available. |
浪跡天涯 / Wandering in Australia Pele過往十多年四處出外尋幽探秘,不同長短的旅程不計其數。現在將在澳洲最具代表性的五段旅程細節重新整理,編纂成書,讓大家可一起感受他在旅途上的苦與樂。現凡購買《浪跡天涯》,更能獲贈Pele另外一本電子書《談天說地 • 散文小說詩篇》,內含多篇他寫的散文、小說和詩篇,圖文並茂,不容錯過。現已出版。 Wandering in Australia is an ebook of five wandering journeys covering almost the whole Australia. If you plan to visit Australia with your camera, this is a must for you. Meanwhile, only Chinese edition is available. |
抒情畫意 • 攝畫集 / Paintography Pele 對繪畫的興趣不下於攝影,因此他選擇了將他的攝影作品化成畫作,他稱之為攝畫,並希望它們能擁有另一個截然不同的生命和展出機會。全書共16章,除了攝畫外,每章還包括一首Pele親筆提的中文詩。現凡購買《抒情畫意 • 攝畫集》,更能獲贈Pele另外一本電子書《娓娓道來 • 散文小說詩篇》,內含多篇他寫的散文、小說和詩篇,圖文並茂,不容錯過。中英對照,現已出版。 Paintography is a book of Pele's digital paintings (paintographs) converted from his photographs. It has 294 pages & 16 chapters and contains over 150 paintographs. Each chapter has its own unique topic. Apart from paintographs, each chapter also has relevant descriptions written by Pele. Bilingual edition in English and Chinese is available. |
一人有一個旅程 · 五位攝影人的遊攝體驗 五位作者,包括 Joey Cheng, Vincent Cheng (不動明王), Anab Leung, Pele Leung 與 Zuie Lo,加上無數次的攝影旅程,結集成書,他們最精采的拍攝成果和在路途上的體驗,全數收錄在這本電子書內。 一人有一個旅程,現已出版。 One's Journey is the latest publication edited by Pele. This large format e-book includes the photographic journeys of five authors including Joey Cheng, Vincent Cheng, Anab Leung, Pele Leung & Zuie Lo.. Meanwhile only Chinese edition is available. |
現代徐霞客·遊攝中華手記 Pele遊攝中華24個省/自治區/直轄市,上山下海,尋幽探秘,穿城過鎮,追溯歷史,前後六年。現緝錄最經典和最精彩的20個旅程,編纂成書,帶領讀者穿越時空,一起分享在旅途上的小插曲和壯麗景色。全書454頁,再加上多幅照片,是送給喜歡旅遊和攝影的朋友們的最佳禮物。現已出版。 The Modern Traveller of China is the latest publication from Pele. This large format e-book includes his most interesting 20 journeys to China with staggering 454 pages of fine details. Meanwhile only Chinese edition is available. |
大地欣情 (中文版) / Heaven on Earth (English Edition) 「大地欣情」是Pele 最新出版的風景攝影集。這本攝影集包含170多幅他過去十多年在澳大利亞拍攝的精彩照片,以大篇幅的電子書形式展示。中英文版,均有待售。 Heaven on Earth is the latest photo publication from Pele. This large format e-book includes over 170 photos he took in Australia in the last decade. Both Chinese and English editions are available. |
攝影里程碑 (中文版) / The Milestones of a Photographer (English Edition) 這不是一本關於攝影技巧的書籍,亦不單純是一本攝影集。如果你有興趣知道一個全然不懂攝影的人如何變成一位攝影愛好者,甚至是一位以攝影為職業的工作者,你就是我們要找尋的讀者。中英文版,均有待售。 This is not a book of teaching photography skills or simply a portfolio of pretty images. If you are interested to know a story of how a person was turned from a beginner into a professional photographer , you are the reader we are looking for. Both Chinese and English editions are avalable. |